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Lamar Thorpe: Selling His Office

Lamar Thorpe's company website shows that he's offering political access for sale.

In his website's first paragraph the Mayor admits that he's the "Client's Watchman" during complex approval processes. Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe should be a watchman for the Citizens of Antioch...not just a watchman for paying clients.

Trading On His Political Relationships

Mayor Lamar Thorpe should be the guardian of the application processes that developers, energy companies and businesses have to go through to gain access to valuable city resources. But Mayor Thorpe is representing them, rather than working for the community.

Developers can pay Thorpe for help with their applications.

The relationships that Mayor Thorpe has "cultivated" while an elected official in Antioch should be used to benefit the Citizens of Antioch, not reserved for paying clients. 

Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe

Unfit to Serve • Not Right for Antioch

Vote NO

PIC - Thorpe Selling Office.png

Using Official City Document

If you look closely, you'll notice that the document Mayor Lamar Thorpe is signing in his picture to attract clients for his political services is an official City of Antioch document.  

At a time when Antioch needs leadership willing and able to make things better, Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe has failed. That fact that he's working harder to for clients willing to pay for him to navigate approval processes and provide political advice is evidence that he's not watching out for Antioch.

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