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Lamar Thorpe: Drunk Driving

PIC - DUI -Thorpe Failing to Walk.png
PIC - DUI - Arrest Report Pg1.png

Above is a clip from the CHP dash-cam video of Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe failing to walk a simple straight line prior to his arrest for drunk driving.

When Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe drives drunk he endangers all of us.

Fortunately on March 19, 2022 the California Highway Patrol arrested Hernandez-Thorpe for DUI and took him off our streets. 

His Pattern of Reckless Behavior

This was not the first time Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe's reckless behavior has put others at risk. His history of sexual harassment has victimized women, and the District Attorney's investigation that uncovered the secret meetings where he conducted city business side-stepping the public victimized all of us. It's clear that Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe shouldn't be leading the City of Antioch.

Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe

Unfit to Serve • Not Right for Antioch

Vote NO

Rather than taking responsibility for his actions, Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe lied to the CHP officer, telling him he was on his way home from dinner and said he had nothing to drink - while wearing a white Michelob Ultra wristband around his right wrist. After being pulled over at 2:13am Hernandez-Thorpe blew a blood-alcohol of .121 and at 2:19am a .124.

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